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Functions of the Resilient and Sustainable Health Systems (RSSH) WG:


  1. Advise CCM on national health care system reform priorities (health sector planning and governance, health sector financing and financial mechanisms, Universal health coverage, PGC and community health services’ strengthening, integrated systems for TB/HIV, strengthening of M&E systems, development of human and quality of care, laboratory system strengthening, development of digital health systems, private sector engagement, etc) and suggest on a possible support to the above-mentioned activities in the scope of the Global fund grant programs;
  2. Draft proposals in the RSSH area for the Global Fund funding rounds when mandated by CCM;
  3. Participate in the evaluation and selection committees that are established by CCM;
  4. Participate in the oversight and M&E activities included in its annual plan by CCM;
  5. Undertake any other technical work in the field of RSSH that CCM delegates.


Requirements of the RSSH WG:

  1. RSSH technical working group members are public health specialists, representatives of non-governmental organizations, international technical partner agencies, donor organizations involved in the Armenia health care system reform activities and RSSH program implementation;
  2. The list of RSSH WG members is approved by the CCM;

3.            Participation of SR organizations in the RSSH WG discussions should be administrated by conflict of interest procedures.